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4 Signs You Need to Look for a Hip Joint Replacement

If you have been experiencing immense hip pain, then you would now have an idea of what it can do to your life. Your mobility gets limited and you can’t even enjoy your favourite activities. It can even take a toll on your mental health. In some of the cases, the pain may get quiet after taking some medications. But in other cases, hip joint replacement surgery is recommended by the doctor. This surgery is mostly needed when the hip joint becomes damaged for a number of reasons. So, how would you know if you require hip joint replacement?

In this blog, we are going to talk about the signs that one needs to look for to undergo hip joint replacement surgery.

  • Hip stiffness: Are experiencing stiffness when you walk? Do you face difficulty in bending? Do you face immense pain while you lift up your leg? If you answered yes to the questions, then it could be a sign that your hip is damaged. Stiffness is one particular sign that sooner or later your hip may interrupt in your daily life. You need to book an appointment with you doctor to get a diagnosis done.
  • Loss of motion: If you are experiencing immense pain in your hip region, then you would also be facing loss in the motion in your hip. This may even cause difficulty in accomplishing the everyday tasks like sitting on the chair, getting out of the car and even taking bath. Loss of motion is also one sign that you need to consult with the doctor as soon as possible.
  • Can’t support your body weight on one leg: One-leg test is a quick test that can help you in getting an idea of whether you need to consult the doctor regarding your hip or not. While doing this test, take a support of door or chair and then gradually lift one left. If you aren’t able to support yourself with one leg, then it shows that there’s some issue in your hip joint and you need to consult the doctor regarding same.
  • Pain in the hip & groin: Pain in the hip can arise when you are active or resting. It can even prevent you from walking even the short distances. It can also cause you to limp. In some cases, you would be needing a walking aid so that you don’t face issues while walking. If you notice that the hip pain is taking a toll on your everyday activities too, then you need to consult the orthopaedic doctor in Bhopal to treat the pain with surgical or nonsurgical methods.
Hip joint replacement in Bhopal